Acupuncture Treatment for Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies for Fibromyalgia Traditional Chinese Medicine is known to be effective against a range of health...

Physiotherapy Treatment for Shoulder Injuries
Physiotherapy Treatment for Shoulder Injuries Shoulder injuries and the resulting shoulder pain is one the most common reasons why...

Addressing Lower Back Pain with Physiotherapy
Addressing Lower Back Pain with Physiotherapy About one in five New Zealanders suffer from chronic back pain issues. Chronic back pain is...

How does Acupuncture Help in Weight Loss
How does Acupuncture Help in Weight Loss One in three adults in New Zealand is obese. Obesity increases the risk for chronic lifestyle...

Improving Ovarian Function And Egg Quality Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
Improving Ovarian Function And Egg Quality Through Traditional Chinese Medicine One of the most common causes for infertility, is low...

How can Acupuncture treat Fertility Issues in Women?
How can Acupuncture treat Fertility Issues in Women? The popularity of acupuncture has prompted several professional acupuncture centers...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Solutions For Insomnia
Traditional Chinese Medicine Solutions For Insomnia Daytime sleepiness, fatigue and decreased concentration are some of the typical...

Acupuncture: An Effective Way to Treat Migraines
Acupuncture: An Effective Way to Treat Migraines Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice used since centuries to treat and cure...